Fireworks Imagery And Americana At Made From RI
Posted by Keith R Wahl, Made From RI on Jun 28th 2021
"This day ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.” ~ John Adams
Mr. Adams was referring to the day that the Continental Congress declared Independence. He was writing to his wife Abigail in Massachusetts.
The "Illuminations" that Mr. Adams refers to is, of course, fireworks. Fireworks had been popular in celebrating national ceremonies since about 1486. In fact, they were so popular that Queen Elizabeth I (ruling between 1558–1603) appointed a royal “Fire Master of England” to coordinate fireworks shows.
So by the time 1776 came around, fireworks were common to people such as Mr. Adams. In fact, he was calling for the heralding the birth of the world’s newest nation by invoking one of the most recognizable celebrations of nationhood of his time: fireworks.
Invoke the sense of celebration in your home with the Americana Snowflake Ornament at Made From RI. Find yours by selecting the picture link below: