Rhode Island History. Innovative and Rebellious.

Rhode Island History. Innovative and Rebellious.

Posted by Keith R Wahl, Made From RI on May 3rd 2022

Shifting Sands

Rhode Island history has always been a couple of things that seem to combine well. We are a little ahead of our time. As a result of experimental and innovative ideas, we are also a little rebellious. When mixed in proper proportions, these elements push us forward to greater things. 

Follow the history. Rhode Island struck the first blow of rebellion when they burned the HMS Gaspee in 1772. Then they separated from the British on May 4, 1776 ahead of the other colonies. Then in 1793, Samuel Slater kicked off the Industrial Revolution for the United States in Pawtucket, RI. 

And Rhode Island pressed on. They created heroes like Ida Lewis, innovators such as Nathanael G. Herreshoff, and so many more. Whenever someone asked, "Why?", there was a true Rhode Islander to answer, "Why not?!" 

Live and recapture that history of innovation mixed with a little healthy rebellion here at Made From RI. Here are some suggestions of books to start with:

Work beyond the concept of the bucolic "Ocean State" and dig into what makes Rhode Islanders... and how that spirit helped build a nation.

Note: the photo "Shifting Sands" is available at our sister site, Made From RI Gallery (all of our photo art is by Keith R Wahl, co-owner, Made From RI).